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Shawn Rogers - Blog

Entries in Enterprise 2.0 (2)


Gartner Says the Social Enterprise is a Reality

In December Gartner released its "Predicts 2010: Social Software Is an Enterprise Reality" report. In it we learn at least one thing that won't surprise most of us. Through 2012, over 70 percent of IT-dominated social media initiatives will fail. Ouch...that hurts. 

Thats an ugly prediction but understandable when you consider that much of social media and networking is driven by the business and the platforms that support these initiatives and strategies are not yet enterprise class. IT is well suited to run servers and business applications but they fall short on the skills needed to support social solutions. 

Gartner goes on to say that through 2013, IT organizations will struggle with shifting from providing a platform to delivering a solution. Fifty percent of business-led social media initiatives will succeed, versus 30 percent of IT-driven initiatives.

I agree with Gartner's position on this. If your looking to bring social media solutions into the enterprise allow business to have the first and final say on spec's and features. Executives need to fight for a piece of the technology turf on this type of project and take the lead in providing the right solution to fit the strategy of the corporation.


Sarah Palin on Social Business Intelligence 

The need to integrate collaborative business intelligence into the enterprise is not lost on the industries newest BI/DW analyst.