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Shawn Rogers - Blog

Entries in SAP (1)


SAP launches 12Sprints for Collaborative Decision Making

SAP has launched its rival to Google Wave called 12Sprints. It's a platform for collaborative decision making and offers many of the functions you might expect from this type of platform. In many ways it mimics what Google Wave delivers but is more structured and perhaps better tailored for enterprise use. Here is a short intro video that covers the high points.


The tool is a good start but is more project oriented than anything. My concern is that its a standalone application that will require the business users to step out of their normal work flow and step into an application they will have to learn. Adoption would be greatly enhanced if they could weave the application features into the normal decision work flow.

More importantly, I'd like to see them integrate it seamlessly with the enterprise business intelligence layer. Allowing teams to bring in dynamic business data. The only outside information that can be imported into the platform is a manual process and seems to be limited to PDF, Images and Excel....yuck. Without access to the rich, deep and real-time enterprise information this platform won't really help you solve much. lastly the program relies too heavily on email. It needs a more instant IM based communication layer. To quote Bill French "Email is where knowledge goes to die" Real-time communication is critical.

I commend SAP for starting down this road and I hope to see them add real power to the platform in the future.